SPSS for dummies

Main Author: Griffith
Format: Book
Published: Hoboken, N.J. : Chichester: John Wiley, 2010.
Edition:2nd ed.
Series:--For dummies
--For dummies
Table of Contents:
  • Need to analyze some data? SPSS is your statistical friend
  • let it crunch the numbers! pt. I. The fundamental mechanics of SPSS. Introducing IBM SPSS statistics ; Installing software and setting options ; A simple statistical analysis example
  • pt. II. Getting data in and out of SPSS. Entering data from the keyboard ; Reading and writing files ; Data and data types ; Messing with the data after it's in there ; Getting data out of SPSS
  • pt. III. Graphing data. Fundamentals of graphing ; Some types of graphs ; More types of graphs
  • pt. IV. Analysis. Executing an analysis ; Some analysis examples
  • pt. V. Programming SPSS with command syntax. The command syntax language ; Command syntax language example
  • pt. VI. Programming SPSS with Python and Scripts. the Python programming language ; Python inside SPSS ; Scripts
  • pt. VII. The part of tens. Ten (or so) modules you can add to SPSS ; Ten useful SPSS things you can find on the Internet